Thursday 9 November 2017

Bitcoin Mining Equipment

Mining equipment is the term used for specialized computer hardware that has been customized to run hashing functions. These machines can be strung together and plugged into the Bitcoin Network (we have a live chart of the total power hashing power here). 

The mining equipment is basically an ASIC chip that is designed to handle hashing functions. The rest of the “equipment” is used to cool the chip and provide power to it.

We are constantly buying new equipment to leverage our purchasing power on behalf of all BitClub Members. Most of the miners we purchase are from Bitmain (which is the #1 seller of mining gear worldwide). We have built a relationship with them that allows us to get preferred pricing and deploy racks of new servers. In addition, we are able to liquidate some of the older mining equipment with Bitmain through their secondary market and this allows us to maximize profits.

Anytime we sell off older equipment, we give our members a chance to buyout of their mining contracts and take possession of the equipment they purchased. This is based on the total hashing power and value of the existing shares. You can chose to take possession of your miners and cancel your contract at anytime. NOTE… 

This is not a refund, you are simply giving up your future earnings to take possession of this equipment so you can mine for yourself or re-sell it. You must contact us individually to get a quote for this.

Bitclub Network is steadily listed in the top10 Bitcoin Mining operation in the world :

Real Passive Income : Earn BitCoin For The Next 1000 Days ! 
We Pay Daily : FREE Registration at : 

Mining the Bitcoin

Mining is the process of adding transaction records to Bitcoin’s public ledger of past transactions. This ledger of past transactions is called the block chain as it is a chain of blocks. The block chain serves to confirm transactions to the rest of the network as having taken place. Bitcoin nodes use the block chain to distinguish legitimate Bitcoin transactions from attempts to re-spend coins that have already been spent elsewhere.

Mining is intentionally designed to be resource-intensive and difficult so that the number of blocks found each day by miners remains steady. Individual blocks must contain a proof of work to be considered valid. The primary purpose of mining is to allow Bitcoin nodes to reach a secure, tamper-resistant consensus.

Mining is also the mechanism used to introduce Bitcoins into the system: Miners are paid any transaction fees as well as a “subsidy” of newly created coins. This both serves the purpose of disseminating new coins in a decentralized manner as well as motivating people to provide security for the system.

 The complexity of Mining the Bitcoin

As the popularity of Bitcoin increases more miners join the network, which makes it harder to solve these math problems. For this reason Mining is no longer feasible for an individual and it will continue to get even harder. This has led to the creation of Mining Pools, where many people combine their computing power and increase their odds to mine for Bitcoin.

Bitclub Network is steadily listed in the top10 Bitcoin Mining operation in the world :

Real Passive Income : Earn BitCoin For The Next 1000 Days ! 
We Pay Daily : FREE Registration at : 

Join the BitClub Network

In order to join BitClub Network you must get Bitcoin to pay with! We do not accept anything other than Bitcoin so depending on the country you live in you must convert your currency into Bitcoin and then use the Bitcoin to sign up for BitClub Network. We price everything in USD so that we have a standard price for our products (but we do not accept USD or any other fiat currency).

To sign up, you will need pay a one time $99 USD membership fee that will give you lifetime access to our platform and allow you to participate in our mining pool shares and any other opportunity we provide in the future. You must pay this first to activate your account before purchasing any other products.

 Full Membership Includes:

  •  Earn commissions through our referral program
  •  Training and education about Bitcoin mining
  •  BitClub Digital Wallet to store and transfer Bitcoin
  •  Full access to our exclusive Bitcoin Mining pools
  •  ClubCoin Opportunity – Get Free ClubCoin (CLUB)

When you send Bitcoin from your Bitcoin Wallet to the BTC address provided on the invoice it has to be verified by the network 6 times before it will be marked as confirmed and accepted. This process usually takes about 10 min – 1 hour. However, in some cases it may take longer depending on the wallet you are using. Most of the main wallets (coinbase, blockchain, bitpay, etc) all have a fee built in for miners and are very fast.

Once we receive the 6th confirmation your invoice will be mark as paid and commissions will follow. In some cases it might take longer to get 6 confirmations if you are using a wallet that allows you to set a mining fee and this fee is zero it can take 3-4 hours. If you set the mining fee high (standard is .0001 BTC) you will get confirmations quickly.

If you are showing Pending status for longer than 24 hours you don’t need to do anything about it, we have received your payment for the invoice and you are fully active in our system for whatever you purchased, we will just hold the commissions to paid upline until we receive the 6th confirmation.

We also have a redundancy system in place that will check the blockchain for transactions 3 times. So if you send Bitcoin to the address and it does not show up immediately we will try it again within the first 12 hours and then two more times within a 72 hour period. In 99% of cases the redundancy will catch the transaction and mark it paid so we will not investigate a transaction until the 72 hour window has passed. In this case please contact us and we will manually look through the blockchain to determine what happened.

Strict Refund Policy

We have a very strict refund policy due to the speed at which our compensation structure and mining pool earnings are paid out. In most cases you cannot get a refund for any reason unless there is a clear mistake or very good reason for it. Also, this refund request must happen within the first 72 hours of payment or before 3 full pay cycles are paid out. If a refund request is made after this time we will not honor it, however we do offer another option who consist of requesting your mining equiment.

Buyout Option: If you would like to buy out of your mining pool you have an option to do so at anytime during the first full year of your membership. This is NOT a refund, rather this you requesting to take possession of the mining equipment that you have purchased with your share of the pool. In this case you will automatically forfeit all future mining pool earnings in all pools, including earning any commissions from the compensation structure. With this buy out option you will be shipped the sum of all your hashing power at the time you request the buyout. You will take full possession of these miners and will still be eligible for any remaining warranty on the machines. When exercising this option, its final! You will own the mining equipment and be fully responsible for it. If you are interested please open a support ticket and request a valuation of your account. You will be responsible for all shipping and handling charges.

Bitclub Network is steadily listed in the top10 Bitcoin Mining operation in the world :

Real Passive Income : Earn BitCoin For The Next 1000 Days ! 
We Pay Daily : FREE Registration at : 

Earning Passive Income

At BitClub Network, we are helping to educate, provide services for, secure, protect, and ultimately profit from the cryptocurrency market. Our goal is to provide many opportunities for our members to take part in. One of the main ways to earn Bitcoin is through our mining pools.

It works like this… You can purchase a share in three different mining pools and all Bitcoin mined from each pool will be paid and shared with all members who are eligible for the pool. You pay either $500, $1,000, or $2,000 worth of Bitcoin for a share of the mining pool. With your purchase, you will receive Bitcoin for 1000 days! A percentage of all Bitcoin mined and paid to you will be used to pay for mining costs and to purchase new mining equipment.

 3 Different Mining Pools

Mining Pool #1 — — Each share cost $500 USD that will be used to purchase new Bitcoin mining servers. All Bitcoin earned will be split among all members of this pool and paid out daily. Each share earns 50% profit with the other 50% being used to fund the mining operation and to purchase additional mining shares.

Mining Pool #2 — Each share cost $1,000 USD and just like Pool #1 the total Bitcoin earned will be split among all members in the pool and paid out. Each share earns 60% profit with the other 40% being used to fund the mining operation and to purchase additional mining shares.

Mining Pool #3 — Each share cost $2,000 USD and the total Bitcoin earned will be split among all members in the pool and paid out. Each share earns 70% profit with the other 30% being used to fund the mining operation and to purchase additional mining shares.

Example: Using Mine #1, if the total Bitcoin mined for the day = 1 BTC and there are 100 shares outstanding then each share would earn .01 BTC. From this total 50% of it would be paid directly to member as profit (.005 BTC) and the other 50% (.005 BTC) would be used to fund the mining operation costs and to purchase additional shares.

So if the value of 1 Bitcoin = $500 USD and you have 1 share then you would earn $5 USD (.01 BTC) of which $2.50 is paid to you and $2.50 is used to purchase an additional share on your behalf. In this case you would purchase an additional .005 shares with your $2.50 and you would have a total of 1.005 shares going into the next day that you are now earning on.

IMPORTANT: Each full share purchased will last for 1000 days. The reason we set this to 1000 days is due to to the constant increase in calculations and computing power required as the math gets harder and harder to mine Bitcoin (or other Crypto Currency).

Therefore, we have identified this 1000 day window as an ideal time frame based on how the market is today and this maybe subject to change on future partial shares repurchases.

When you purchase a share of any pool your 1000 day mining contract will not start for 30 days. You will see a total of 1030 days until the shares expire, after the 30 days countdown you will begin earning daily and accumulating partial shares. We have built in this 30 days buffer to account for setting up the mining equipment. This also applies to partial shares.

*Re-purchases: The minimum re-purchase amount to buy a partial share is 0.5% of the full share price in each pool. Each day you will see a portion of the mining earnings paid to your wallet and another portion will be set aside to repurchase additional shares. You will see the balance grow under “unused” repurchases until it reaches the .5% of the total, at this point a new partial share will be automatically purchased and you can track all partial share re-purchases in the tables above or on the Order History page.

For 100% Re-purchases: If you set the pools to push back 100% of your earnings into re-purchases you will earn partial shares faster. Please note that when you have any pool set to 100% you will not see any entries on the daily mining payouts because you are earning back 0%.

Bitclub Network is steadily listed in the top10 Bitcoin Mining operation in the world :

Real Passive Income : Earn BitCoin For The Next 1000 Days ! 
We Pay Daily : FREE Registration at : 

The Bitclub Network Opportunity

*No Sponsoring Required to Earn Mining Pool Payouts

BitClub Network is just like many other mining pools except we offer a unique opportunity for members to purchase shares in the hardware and get paid to share it. For doing this you will earn a daily share of all Bitcoin being mined by the pool. Our pools are set up for miners to plug in and earn a share of all Bitcoin by pointing their existing mining equipment to our pool. We offer nice incentives for miners who join our pool

We also offer a referral based system that allows anyone to purchase shares of mining hardware and get paid a commission. With our unique affiliate model and daily Bitcoin payouts we can outpace just about any other mining operation in existence.

Understand the Power of the Binary System

First thing you should do after upgrading your account is to contact your sponsor and make sure he position you in the Binary tree immediately. In the eventuality you are not in contact with your sponsor, just send a message to the Support team and ask them to do this for you : That will position you in the binary tree (*all details are described in the “Compensation Plan” section)

Simply put, every time someone under you order a new pool share : The system distribute points to all the members above and 15 points on each sides means a cycle. Each cycle pays $200 worth of Bitcoin and another $80 is paid as a matching bonus to the upline through 8 levels of sponsorship.

This binary pays up to 10 CYCLES each day depending on your current rank in the system. Once the clock on top of the page hits 00:00:00 all credits that were accumulated on each side of your Binary will be calculated and paid out. All credits that are not paid out will rollover to the next pay period and this process will repeat every 24 hours.

During each 24 hour period you can cycle up to the total amount allowed by your current rank. (*even if you haven’t recruited anyone) You can cycle 4 times as a Miner, 5 times as a Builder, 6 times as a Pro Builder, 8 times as a Master Builder, and 10 times as a Monster Builder. All credits that come in AFTER your last allowed cycle for the day will not count or rollover to the next day! These credits will be blocked and you can see all of the credits being blocked on a daily basis due to the cycle limits.

Bitclub Network is steadily listed in the top10 Bitcoin Mining operation in the world :

Real Passive Income : Earn BitCoin For The Next 1000 Days ! 
We Pay Daily : FREE Registration at : 

Ponzi Scheme Definition

Bitclub Network is NOT a ponzi scheme

A ponzi scheme has no product, it’s just a money game set up to pay people with other people’s money and eventually it will crash and burn because there is no real money being earned from any outside sources. BitClub Network has a REAL opportunity for anyone to purchase mining equipment and earn profits from what is being mined.

We strive to be very transparent about our mining and you are able to track everything on the blockchain  and see our Mining pool  running live. This is what we love most about Bitcoin… You can’t trick or fake it, everything is recorded in a public ledger for everyone to see.

It’s very important to understand that we DO NOT guarantee a mining share will have a set return. In fact, you will never hear us make any claims about how much you will earn from having a share in our mining pool because the truth is we don’t know. Bitcoin mining is very complex and with the difficulty level constantly moving up every 10 days and new hashing power always entering the space there is no way anyone can predict accurately an ROI. Especially with our business model that requires re-purchases or more simply daily maintenance fees.

NOTE: If you find a company offering you a set return (especially if they claim to be Cloud Mining and offer 100% or more) there is a high probability they are a Ponzi scheme. Some Cloud Miners are actually backed by real hardware but their power is virtual and therefore very hard to track. In fact, the sad reality is you will never know if a could mining company is actually mining, so we recommend you steer clear unless they are very transparent. We are NOT a Cloud Mining company, everything we have can be verified!

Bitclub Network is steadily listed in the top10 Bitcoin Mining operation in the world :

Real Passive Income : Earn BitCoin For The Next 1000 Days ! 
We Pay Daily : FREE Registration at :

Responsible Mining in Iceland

BitClub Network new mining operation is held in Reykjavik, Iceland, because it provides the perfect environment for large scale mining. Not only is the temperature cool all year round, but the island provides 100% clean and renewable energy by utilizing natural Hydroelectric and Geothermal technology. This means we are not polluting the air and providing a very responsible and green way to mine for Bitcoin.

We believe this will soon become a big issue in the world as the combined network power of Bitcoin continues to grow and the amount of electricity being used is outrageous. So we are taking a proactive step to be green! Oh, and it also helps this power is cheaper than anywhere in the world so it’s a big Win-Win for our members to be green.

About 70% of our future expansion will be in this new facility. We continue to mine all over the world looking for the best scenarios and solutions for our members. We will never put all of our eggs in one basket but we plan to make this our biggest basket over the next few years.

If you would like to see this facility please contact us, we are allowing certain members exclusive access to tour this facility. You must be a Pro Builder or higher to be considered and in the near future we will even have special offers for Master Builders to get an all expense paid trip (details inside Member’s Area).

Bitclub Network is steadily listed in the top10 Bitcoin Mining operation in the world :

Real Passive Income : Earn BitCoin For The Next 1000 Days ! 

We Pay Daily : FREE Registration at : 

Who is Bitclub Network?

BitClub is not owned by any single person or entity, we are a team of experts, entrepreneurs, professionals, network marketers, and programming geeks who have all come to together to launch a very simple business around a very complex industry. Anyone can join BitClub Network and begin earning a passive income by taking advantage of our expertise in Bitcoin mining and other Bitcoin related services.

Our Mission is to help YOU cash-in on Bitcoin as it becomes a mainstream global currency. BitClub Network is a community of people who have come together to support Bitcoin and other digital currencies (also called crypto currencies or virtual currencies). We are helping to educate, provide services for, secure, protect, and ultimately profit from this emerging technology. So far this community has created one of the largest mining pools in the world.

Bitclub Network is located everywhere and nowhere. BitClub operates from all over the world, and this structure is intentional so there is no single point of failure or compliance issue that will hold us back or get us shut down. We have multiple mining locations across Europe and a brand new facility in Iceland (that you can take a tour of).

Our main hosting servers and mining pool servers are located in the Netherlands with redundancies in Hong Kong and Switzerland. Our programmers work remotely, our support staff works from their homes and we do not have a need for a physical location. How cool is that! We can fully operate this company virtually and thanks to BlockChain technology and other decentralized and distributed networks we also don’t need a traditional corporate structure. This limits our overhead and allows us to pass these profits to our members.

 The concept is very simple!

We have combined the power of crowd funding to bring you a very unique and timely opportunity in the Bitcoin industry. By using our expertise we are able to build a profitable mining operation that uses an affiliate payment structure to leverage the earning potential of our members.

You purchase mining equipment that is used to mine Bitcoin and we pay you daily on your share of all Bitcoin being mined. When you share this opportunity with other members and they make a purchase you will also get paid recurring commissions on all Bitcoin mined from their purchases. The more you share, the more you will earn. As the membership of users grows large we can all be a huge piece of this industry and provide the one thing Bitcoin needs the most… MORE USERS!

Bitclub Network is steadily listed in the top10 Bitcoin Mining operation in the world :

Real Passive Income : Earn BitCoin For The Next 1000 Days ! 
We Pay Daily : FREE Registration at :